Friday, March 12, 2010

A dress-up

A dress-up
Originally uploaded by S.Car
Dressing-up doesn't seem to tire much around here. It definitely goes in phases but it has held strong over the years. The only difference that I can see is the subjects are getting older and the newer addition is male. How fun to be able to change your personality and who you are all with a change of clothing.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3's a crowd

The blossoms were beautiful that day. I wanted to capture the moment and thought it would be nice to have the kids in the picture...despite them. First of all, Carter didn't want to have anything to do with the picture. Second, the girls had an odd assortment of clothing styles and colors which to me didn't necessarily shout out "beautiful" but then again, maybe it would complement the beauty of the flowers. What was a nice idea to start with turned exclusive in a few seconds. The "video" is a compilation of stills that I took showing the ugly scene unfold.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Miss March, April and Mr. August

We're all ready to swim. Apparently Carter thinks he swims in France somewhere along the Riviera.
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blossom Trail

On Sunday we took a nice drive looking at all the blossoms. There's an official Blossom Trail route that we drove. Amongst all the beautiful flowering orchards everywhere we encountered a few other cars blazing the trails. One common denominator we found with all the vehicles was the color of hair of the occupants. Gray. Salt-and-pepper. A crown of wisdom. Whatever you want to call it, they were older than us. Although, Blake is graying a bit so maybe we fit right in.
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