For about a week or so, Avery has been wearing some heels of mine so Carter wanted to wear Blake's shoes. Avery really wanted to dance. It took a little convincing of Carter to go along with it but he finally acquiesced.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
For about a week or so, Avery has been wearing some heels of mine so Carter wanted to wear Blake's shoes. Avery really wanted to dance. It took a little convincing of Carter to go along with it but he finally acquiesced.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
This is how Kenna wears a white sweatshirt: Walk up to a parking garage wall, lean against it, and see end results.
Saturday, February 25, 2012

In Old Sac we went to the train museum. Even if you're not a big train fan it's a pretty cool museum to check out. We got to walk in a few train cars. One even shook a tiny bit, it felt like it was moving.
Friday, February 24, 2012
After Sutter's Fort, we went to the capitol. It was actually a nice day to go because it wasn't busy.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
We had a family meeting under the tent at Fort Sutter. We were determining whether to churn some butter or to make a basket. From time to time we have family meetings at our home so we thought we would pretend to have one from 1849.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sutter's Fort
We like to be spontaneous once in awhile. We'll go for a hike or eat in the park. This weekend we had an extra day just burning a hole in our proverbial pocket so we headed to Sacramento. Here is an inside look of Sutter's Fort, at least the door. The kids made a paper structure of it at home. I also printed out a word search but we never got around to doing that. I was trying to find some fun activities that could reinforce their learning but a word search with "JohnAugustusSutter" might not go over so well with a four year-old. I know our children are exceptionally bright but that might be a bit above their level. Kidding aside, we had a very full and fun-filled day.
Monday, February 20, 2012
We got to see and hear President George W. Bush a few nights ago at the Farm Show. We had some generous parents, who are very thankful for Blake and his impact on their daughter, buy us tickets to see him. I was disappointed because I saw that we were not allowed cameras in the place, so being the law-abiding citizen I am, I didn't bring my camera. We enjoyed a delicious dinner catered by Fugazzi's, enjoyed a few commercials for the Army, Navy and Marines and then when President Bush was introduced, everyone pulled out their concealed cameras, cell phones and other recording devices. I regretted following the rules. I guess it would be really neat to read this and find out that I learned a very valuable lesson in following the rules and I was rewarded greatly by being allowed back stage afterwards to have a moment with George by myself and was given an autographed picture. But I wasn't. We really had a great time and felt lucky to be able to attend something like this and well, I'm still thinking, "I wish I had brought in my camera." You're probably now wondering, "How did she acquire this picture then?" Well, I would love to give credit to a fellow member at our table for giving me the picture but then you would all know he didn't follow the rules. Disclaimer: It wasn't any member of the party that purchased the tickets for us either.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
This girl gets so tangly when she's sleeping. I must say she's gotten a lot better with her pain threshhold as whining and crying would often be heard from the bathroom. Any suggestions on how to prevent this? Or any hair-brushing technique that I'm not aware of?
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Just imagine a hole punched through where their hand is sticking out and a sucker slotted through the hole. I saw this in Family Fun magazine. Perusing around the internet, I have seen some really cute ideas for valentines too. People are so creative. Just getting the girls to punch a hole, matte the picture on red or pink cardstock, sticking a sucker in the hole and signing their names took about 2 weeks. I better get started now if I want next years done.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Some people maybe get a coffee once a week. Some might exercize. I go to the Dentist/Orthodontist. Between Kenna who just got a spacer put in or cavities being filled or teeth cleaning, I have been learning all things dental. I now know what a cross-bite is. I know about genetics (Blake's side, of course :) ), how to budget, make appointments, and sign my kids out of school.
Here is Carter's first Dentist appointment. He did such a great job! They took x-rays (which he promptly corrected the dentist and said, "No, they're not x-rays, they're pictures). He got to look like Joe Cool during the cleaning portion of the visit and his most anticipated part. . . the treasure box. He picked out a pair of shades while Jacie appropriately picked out a ring.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
I saw this recipe and have wanted to try it for a long time. I finally got the opportunity to. It's nothing special to eat (white cake with food coloring) but it sure was fun to see. The kids thought it was the most fabulous cake. It didn't even have frosting on it. I guess it's true that you eat with your eyes first.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Raider Stag"nation"
Every Sunday meets Carter's question, "Are the Raiders playing today?" Lately, every Sunday his question has been met with a "no." We got to go meet up with a few families to watch the Superbowl yesterday. We knew the Raiders weren't playing but Blake wanted to see his family represent. We had a great day of watching the game on the wall of a gym., playing basketball, soccer, corn hole, and consuming calories of different shapes and consistencies. Fun was had by all.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
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