Avery had a great birthday on Wednesday. We decorated some cookies before the day even began. Everyone in the house was excited for the upcoming birthday party . . . except maybe for the C-dawg. He asked me earlier that week if he could be in his room during the party if he got "tired." He was already making plans for his easy departure. We made fun Kool-Aid cubes for 7-up drinks and blinged out some hankie purses. They took a little warming up to karaoke-ing but once they got comfortable we couldn't pull some away. I thought it would be important to get some non-sugary foods in them so we had Walking Tacos for dinner. Jacie and her friend Daisee and Kenna were a great help but I owe a special "thank you" to Blake for all he does to entertain the kids and help make it fun.
Blake and I were able to get away for the weekend a couple weeks ago. It was such a blessing for his parents to watch the kids so we could do that. We did a little bit of everything. Eat, hike, thrift, go to the Pasadena flea market, and relax.