We drove straight to our next camping trip from Pismo to be with some friends for one night. It was worth packing up at one campground and setting up an hour or so later at the next place. It reminded us of our trip last summer.
Now that school has started and I have a little bit more free time, I can post our Summer happenings. Our Summers always starts off at Pismo with my family. Here are a few pics to represent that week. As you can see, the kids LOVE their Opa and Oma. Opa and Oma brought the kiddos to the candy store. The thing my kids were looking forward to on this annual trek was the big jaw breaker. It was a great time. We noticed this year a new-found freedom. The kids played so well together that we adults got to hang out a bit more.
Well, actually, first half-day back. Here we are again. I know everyone says time flies, it really does. First day of school for all my fam. Carter starts Kindergarten today (insert sad face for mom and happy face for C-dawg), Avery starts 2nd grade, Kenna starts 4th grade, Jacie starts 5th grade, and Blakey starts his 18th? year of teaching. WOW! It was a big day here because Carter had to say "goodbye" to his blankie today and Jacie starts rotating classes. My first load of laundry today contains P.E. clothes and a blankie. Usually laundry brings me to tears but not because of milestones but rather the amount. I know it is all good and we are truly blessed. The kids (and Blake) have a great school to go to everyday.