I will never look at a garage sale the same again. I still hear faintly echoing in my ears the words of my husband, "Let's go kick some butt, we're not paying full price for anything, take no prisoners, expect something free...and if he were to say it post Chi-town, Jumanji!" This was his way of giving a half-time, spirit-rousing speech to be on the look-out for those yard-sale-trying-to-make-more-money-than-they-spent people a run for their money (literally and figuratively). If one were prone to the genre "shabby chic" this garage sale was the pot at the end of the rainbow. This lady had a cardboard box full of shabby chic decor. I have yet to grace our abode with these scores. Currently they lay in a sad state clustered on my table but soon, after the holidays, they will find their new home laden with maybe a picture of our family or bearing Spanish moss. I can hardly wait.
Nice find! I love shabby chic stuff. Kevin always laughs about it and says it looks like it was pulled behind a moving car :) Hope you are having a wonderful CHristmas vacation!