Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds
Originally uploaded by S.Car
After the carving of the pumpkins I tried pan-frying them instead of baking them; hoping to speed up the process. I added some paprika and salt at the end.

Does anyone have a good recipe or technique? Although it was good I find mine aren't as good as just buying them.


  1. We did ours on Sunday! Dan did a plain sea salt batch, a hot and spicey batch and a garlic salt batch. Just butter and seasoning on a baking sheet at 350 for about 20 minutes. Yummmmm!

  2. How do I "follow" your blog? The Wordpress help section says to click on "Like" on the navigation tool bar within your blog post. Can't find it! Help! I have a wordpress account....
