Thursday, August 23, 2012
Fab 5
I don't know how much my little heart can handle this week. This boy has had a momentous week. First week of preschool and now his birthday today. He turns 5 today. He was sooo excited he couldn't sleep last night. I went to Bible study but Blake said he kept coming out and saying he needed to "go potty", "needed a drink of water" routine so he could come out and hopefully espy his gifts.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
1st Day of Preschool
Carter did a great job going to school today. He greeted them and hung his lunch up on his hook. He went right away to some kids on the floor and started playing. He was very excited when he came home too. He had fun on the monkey bars and playing with new people.
I however, had a harder time adjusting. As soon as we walked out Avery started crying. She said she would miss me but I know her tender heart knew she would have a lonely mommy. She offered to stay home with me while the other kids went to school a couple times this summer.
I was fine until I got home. I shed a few tears and prayed for my babies! God has blessed us greatly.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
First Day of School
It seems like just yesterday children all over America were uttering some rendition of, "No more pencils, no more books..." It's hard to believe we are easing back into the rhythm of school schedules.
My husband authors a blog. In this blog on August 3, 2012, he pens a letter that we would, and have given our children's teachers. If you wish to read it, click on "The Write Project" blog located on the right-hand side of this page located 3rd down on my blog list.
Only 129 days, 4 hours, 55 minutes, and 12 seconds until Christmas Break.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Fountain of Youth
Ashland, Oregon has a fountain in the middle of the "town square" where sulphery, soda water bubbles forth. At some point in history Ashland tried to forge it's way as a spa town but things didn't bubble up to their expectations. It's suppose to possess many healthy minerals for all things healing but bottling it was not a success. Apparently people did not want to drink stinky water.
We all had a lap of it. Upon first taste, well. . . it stinks. We all know how olfactory and tasting senses are in an iron-glad partnership. It smelled like rotting eggs and it tickled the tongue. I wasn't prepared for the fizzy, soda-like effervescence that prickled my tongue. But I have to admit, once I got past the sodium-like, stinky, bubbly taste, I still didn't like it. My oncoming cold went away though. No, that didn't happen either. It was however, a fun experience that I'm sure the kids will remember.
I've heard that taste and sounds and smells play a big part in connecting with our memories. I have to think that some day when my children get the opportunity to drink rotting soda, they will think fondly of that day.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Emigrant Lake
We camped here for a few nights. It was in Ashland, Oregon. It was a great spot to swim since it was warmer than our other spots. The only disadvantage to the place was the wind. It was quite windy, it really picked up in the afternoon. Blake and I spoke with the camp host and he said they have been there since May and he hasn't seen a day without wind.
This is also the place where Blake threw out his back. It wasn't fun for him to hobble around for the next few days. Fortunately we didn't have to leave for a few days so his back was good enough to pack everything up when we were ready. He was a trooper and hardly a complaint came out of him. He still went to the lake and swam in the water with all of us.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Not a Happy Camper
Camping together isn't all peaches n' cream. We had a great time together and really enjoyed exploring things but not without a few glitches along the way. We came back home with stories of stinging nettle, bee stings, raccoons eating a lot of our food one evening, time-outs, and a sore back (Blake threw his out and hobbled along for the last week). One of our biggest stories of the trip involved Carter. In the picture collage you can see our third place we camped was in Ashland, Oregon. We had a beautiful site overlooking Emigrant Lake.
On the first day we arrived we realized we needed some flotation devices if we were going to enjoy our time at the lake. One of the devices was a floating, golden chair. We called it "the throne." Meteorologists probably could have forewarned us that it gets pretty windy in Ashland. It was warm enough to want to swim but there is quite a breeze blowing through too. One day we were at a cove that we had to drive to but it wasn't far. We used the wind to our advantage by swimming out a ways and letting the wind usher us back to the cove.
The next day I realized we were right by a nice cove of our own which wouldn't have public access, with the exception of fellow campers. So we set up camp and the kids hopped right on their tubes and thrones. On this particular day the wind was blowing the other direction though. Carter was sitting like a king on the throne and wearing his arm floaties. Soon enough though he started drifting. We told the girls to get him. But the wind kept taking him beyond their reach. Blake, with his sore back, took the bright pink raft and ran into the lake after him. A man and fellow camper offered his long board to Blake but we didn't want to bother him. So off Blake went paddling his little heart out trying to stay afloat on the flimsy, pink raft. Soon our good Samaritan realized Blake was not going to reach Carter and even if he did, it would be too long of a swim back. So he set off on his long board, passed Blake up and was able to get both of them. By this time though, they had almost reached the other side of the lake. An onlooker with a boat offered them a ride back to shore, thankfully.
I knew Carter was never in danger but I know it was more panicky for Blake to try to paddle to him and have him always a bit out of reach. We learned not to drift very far that day. Not after Kenna gave him a little shove a half an hour later or so and he started drifting again. Carter was never worried but he did declare after Blake dove in AGAIN to get him, "I don't want to float that far again."
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Camping Neighbors
Our camping neighbors in Point Reyes were great. Gary and Kris were a very helpful resource for us. They frequent this area every year so they were full of information. They also invited us over to roast marshmallows a couple of nights. One tip they led us to was to a maritime historic site. This was one of the locations where they translated Morse code. This place closed down about 12 years ago or so but open up once a year on the anniversary of their closure. They had a few people sending out and receiving messages. One "expert" explained all the different models of the devices. It was a very neat learning experience because the kids and I read "The Mysterious Benedict Society" by Trenton Lee Stewart this past school year. In the book 4 gifted children try to save the world. In the story they communicate to their friends using Morse Code.
The trees lining this driveway is the path leading to the maritime building.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Pierce Point Ranch
"Give a two-clap for..." is often heard in our home or car from Blake. He often likes to give a shout-out to someone for doing a great job. Well, I would like to give a two-clap for our kids. We went to an historical farm in Point Reyes where we were able to walk around a farm that used to run in the late 1800's. Also known around that area is a Tule elk preserve. We took a trail behind the farmstead that wends its way around the cliffs. It was a bit foggy so often we could hear the waves crashing below us but we couldn't see them. We must have hiked about 5 or 6 miles that day in search for the elk. We spotted a couple herds. The male herd was an awesome site as we can see there antlers silhouetted in the fog. We probably got as close as 30 yards from a herd. The kids were troopers and really did a great job. Jacie was the MVP of the hike and was often seen giving Carter a piggy back ride.
P.S. The ironic thing is on our drive to Crescent City, our next leg of the trip, we saw male elk sitting on the lawn in someone's yard and got pictures of them lounging around where we were probably 10 yards away (and separated by their fence).
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Love 'em or hate 'em, that's what it was like for our family. I was so proud of a couple of our kids for trying the oysters. As you can see in the picture, Kenna got as far as poking and prodding it but couldn't quite get herself to try one.
We visited an oyster farm at Drake's Bay on the way back from our trip to the lighthouse. There were oyster shells everywhere. The beach looked like it was a huge oyster shell. It was very interesting to learn how they farm and harvest them.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Point Reyes Lighthouse
We went on some neat hikes while we were in Point Reyes. One hike was to the lighthouse. It was 308 steps down to it and well...308 steps up. It actually went well considering our kids. The last time we trekked up and down those steps, Blake had Jacie on his back in a backpack and I had Kenna so I would like to say that it was considerably easier. The fog had cleared and it was a beautiful sight. We were lucky because we only had to wait a few minutes for a park ranger to open up the lens room for people to view. The only loss was Avery's hat. As soon as we started the steps up, her cute, knit hat flew off her head just out of reach over the ledge. We watched it for awhile until the wind took it away. She was one sad girl for awhile.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
We're back from our 3-week stint. Our first stop was to Olema campground in Point Reyes. We stayed 7 nights at this first campground. It was fun to reminisce a bit with the girls. Our last time at this campground was when Jacie was 2 and Kenna was 1. We enjoyed ourselves a lot. We had great neighbors who invited us to make smores with them a couple nights and filled us in on all the ins and outs of the area. They were quite amused with us when we first arrived and piled out of our van like a clown car at the circus. They had wondered if any more kids were going to pour out of the car.
Friday, July 27, 2012
"Pardon me, but your roots are showing." I have never dyed my hair but I may come to it soon as I am finding a gray hair or two. Anyway, I thought it was interesting that these roots are growing and breaking through the red rock. This was in Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Glass Blowing
Here is the guy that worked in Harmony. It was very cool because he talked us through all his steps of glass-blowing. He showed us all his other creations that were still in the kiln but cooled down. What a very neat art.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
On a whim one day in Cambria we stopped in Harmony. It's known for it's population, as you can see by the sign. I was glad we stopped though. It had a pottery place, a little chapel, and a glass blowing place. We were fascinated by the glass blowing.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Hopefully when you see this picture posted we will be doing something similar to this picture on our trip. We are traveling up where the weather is cooler for awhile.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
We don't have anything creative to call Avery. The best we've come up with is Ave. Perhaps because she is the simplest in personality too. She's very sweet, tenderhearted and sensitive. She's very inquisitive. She has never gone beyond the stage of many questions. Sometimes she asks questions that she already knows the answers to but most of the time she has questions about everything. Once I wrote a note in her lunch before she could read so it was in pictures. I wrote a D + (picture of a lightbulb). I was trying to say she was a delight but she thought I said she was a delight-bulb. That is exactly what she is. Oh, don't let her two little dimples fool you, she also knows how to assert herself when need be.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Jacie hasn't been called that in awhile. I don't know if it's because she's older now and that name is more juvenile but either way she no longer goes by that moniker. Lately, we call her Jahs. She is turning into such a lovely, responsible young lady. She is very helpful around the house and with her siblings. It's funny though, because even as great as she is Blake and I were talking about how all of our kids can have a strong streak in them when they feel they need to be. It's good to see that they don't bend totally backwards all the time but choose to assert their way when they feel that needs to happen. It seems this summer with all of them home that they are all choosing to do that simultaneously but maybe that's just my imagination. :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Hurricane Kenna
Kenna was dubbed Hurricane Kenna at a youthful age of 2 or 3. She has a fiery-ness about her that is both a lot of fun and a challenge. I can honestly say that she is more like a tropical storm now and hopefully some day I can say she is just Kenny-Cat. That's what we have been calling her the last year or so. I can't wait to blog about the times when her spirited personality is working for God's kingdom and is doing great things in God's name. She is a lot of fun and adds quite a bit to the overall level of excitement in the home.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Lately we've been calling him Cards instead of C-dawg. Just one day Blake started calling him that and it has stuck. This guy can be so funny sometimes. I found a bargain of a deal for him. It was a bathrobe. For some reason that is what I called it when I got it for him. He was eagerly waiting for me to wash it so he could wear it. I had it hanging on the door knob when he woke up the next morning and that is the first thing he put on. He told the girls, "You guys have robes and I have a bathrobe."
Sunday, July 8, 2012
We had a great day celebrating our freedom. We and a few other friends gathered at our friend's house for yummy food and swimming. There were a lot of kids (15) running around and having fun. Afterwards, they lit some sparklers.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
I hadn't thought it about it for years but all of a sudden, the girls wanted to choose someone to be it so everyone stuck their feet in, "Eenie meenie miney mo." I wish they would utilize that more with sharing things around the house. There would probably less fighting sometimes.
Friday, July 6, 2012
We were able to see a junior lifeguard group practice at the beach everyday. It was fun to watch all of them kicking and paddling in the water and around the pier.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Bubble Gum Alley
Ok, so I'm no Martha Stewart. First, she would not be pictured in Bubble Gum Alley. I'm sure she would be on a cobblestone rue that is over a few hundred years old where every town blacksmith has constructed some type of art work instead of an alleyway where everyone has discarded their gum.
Second, she would have remembered to pack everything. Not only remember but giving 5 tips on how to do it efficiently, thus our trip to SLO. So one day one of my offspring tells me they didn't pack any panties. Hmmm...quickly my mind went to how long that could last. Then another of my children says he doesn't have any socks. (We all know what that means when we wear shoes with no socks, P U). So after much consternation and debating about where and how far we had to go we decided to drive the 30 miles to buy some of these items at a more affordable cost instead of buying panties that say, "My parents went to Cambria and all they brought back for me were these panties," for $29.99. Just to add insult to injury, the same young lad that didn't have any socks also replied to my inquiry of his wearing a sweatshirt, that "no" he didn't have a T-shirt on underneath.
We made the most of the unexpected trip and checked a few things out. We were able to purchase things at a very good price and they are also stocked up for this fall for school. As an organized media mogul would pen, "It's a good thing!"
Monday, July 2, 2012
Elephant Seals
We were blessed by a generous family offering their home by the coast for a few days. The first day we went to the elephant seals. It's not their peak time to be on the beach but there were enough to watch. They throw sand up on themselves, for what reason, I am unsure. The last time we saw them it was raining so we enjoyed this time a little better.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Kissing Camels
This rock structure is called "Kissing Camels." We saw this amongst many other beautiful rocks in Garden of the Gods.
We were delayed getting into Denver last Friday due to mechanical problems. So that made our quick weekend that much quicker. We missed one of the family parties for my Uncle Gerrit and Aunt Mary's anniversary party at Glenn Eyrie. So we packed a lot of thing in on Saturday.
We ate a very quick breakfast and drove to Garden of the Gods for a couple hours. After that we were able to see all the family at my aunt and uncle's 50th anniversary party. After that we visited the Air Force Academy and Focus on the Family. From there we got to eat with all the remaining cousins and their families and then a few of us got to play a friendly game of miniature golf.
It was so good to see all my family from there again. It had been 20 years since I had seen some of them.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Family Jamboree
Monday, June 4, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
K's birthday
It was Kenna's birthday. . . a month and-a-half ago but as long as we're not keeping track of how long it has taken me to post some things we are very glad we didn't celebrate her birthday late. We dared to have a slumber party, but only with 3 extra girls. With our family though, we still had 6 young girls running around. It was nice and laid back. I don't know if that has been used to describe slumber parties before but we had a good time.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Jacie finished her second year of piano lessons. This also marked a milestone for her piano teacher Sharon as well. After having baby number three she decided to end lessons permanently. We are sad to have to find someone else but glad she's making decisions that are best for her family. Fortunately for us, we go to church together and hang out occasionally so not all is lost in seeing her.
Friday, May 25, 2012
I was telling the girls about the 90-day challenge the women of our church are doing to read the New Testament and asked them if they wanted to do it too. This is them listening to the Bible being read to them on my Ipod. I don't always like technology but here was one awesome way to use it. As Jamie Grace would sing, "God Girl."
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Berries of Blue
We love summer! Especially when it isn't so "blazing hot," as our children like to say. We love picking our own food. We were able to pick blueberries the other day. That was a first for all of us. If we had to take a vote, I think 5 out of 6 prefer this over any other produce we've plucked from the earth. The 6th liked picking them she just doesn't prefer to eat them. What a servant-hearted girl to labor over something you don't even get to enjoy the bounty of.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Can anyone guess what she's doing? After the kids got their disposable cameras we went on a hike around our campground. The kids were all too eager to snap some pictures. I think they've seen me take a few. I like to capture different points of view and it's apparent that I'm not shy about getting in awkward positions to achieve a shot.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
We really enjoyed riding all the rides in Legoland. Carter was just over the required height which made things nice. The only limiting thing was fear. It took some convincing to get Jacie on the roller coaster. We told her we wouldn't have to go on another one if she didn't want to but she had to at least try one. I think she enjoyed it after all was said and done but if there was some heart monitor on her it would have spiked as soon as we said we were going on one and didn't stop until we got off.
The only complaint we had of the park was the displays were a bit dirty. The grounds didn't seem to be kept up quite as well as we had expected. We had a great day though.
Friday, April 13, 2012
San Juan Capistrano
We visited the mission in San Juan Capistrano. I must say, it was very beautiful. It was nice because they handed out "phones" to all the kids so they got to punch in a code to hear about that part of the grounds. I was amazed at how big the mission was and of course how beautiful it was. We had heard that this is the "jewel" of all the missions in California.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Is anyone a fan of Huell Howser? I can't remember the last time I watched him. Maybe when I was nursing. Anyway, he travels up and down California looking for "California's Gold." I remember seeing an episode on the flower fields of Carlsbad and thought that some day I would like to go see them in person and take some pictures. I think the only way to do that place justice is to rent an airplane or helicopter and take an aerial shot.
We went camping in San Diego county. We planned on going to Legoland one of the days there. I knew that if we went to Legoland the first day they'd practically shun me at the thought of visiting flowers after that, so I scheduled this for the first day. We also got them recyclable cameras so they were pretty excited to visit the ranunculus. Personalities sure did come out upon receiving the cameras. Carter was practically done with his pictures before we left the campground. Avery and Kenna were a little more conservative about it but still ended up being done by the first day. Jacie had allotted 2 for the campground, 3 for this, 4 for the flower fields, etc... Although she showed the most promise, she did end up using them up quicker than what she planned but lasted longer than the rest.
Friday, April 6, 2012
April Fools

Jacie has been into collecting seeds for her garden so I printed out this seed packet and put Cheerios inside it. She read the label and still didn't realize it was a trick until she was going to divide her "seeds."
For lunch I made them Jello in cups with straws so it looked like punch. After that the kids were scheming. They tried mixing glue, lotion and some other stuff to make it pink. I thought at one point, this could get kind of messy.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Cherry Cupcakes
Birthday Girl
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