Friday, August 3, 2012

Pierce Point Ranch

"Give a two-clap for..." is often heard in our home or car from Blake. He often likes to give a shout-out to someone for doing a great job. Well, I would like to give a two-clap for our kids. We went to an historical farm in Point Reyes where we were able to walk around a farm that used to run in the late 1800's. Also known around that area is a Tule elk preserve. We took a trail behind the farmstead that wends its way around the cliffs. It was a bit foggy so often we could hear the waves crashing below us but we couldn't see them. We must have hiked about 5 or 6 miles that day in search for the elk. We spotted a couple herds. The male herd was an awesome site as we can see there antlers silhouetted in the fog. We probably got as close as 30 yards from a herd. The kids were troopers and really did a great job. Jacie was the MVP of the hike and was often seen giving Carter a piggy back ride. P.S. The ironic thing is on our drive to Crescent City, our next leg of the trip, we saw male elk sitting on the lawn in someone's yard and got pictures of them lounging around where we were probably 10 yards away (and separated by their fence).

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