Monday, January 28, 2013


Hmmm, it looks like we are camping if you were to take a quick look at this picture. Children. . . brushing their teeth. . . outside. But we aren't. It's just a typical day for us. Sometimes we have a hard time getting things done in the morning before school. One would think we lived on a ranch in Oklahoma where we had to rustle up cattle or train our horses before we scurried off to school or sumthin'. T'weren't the case though. The closest we have to cattle is having relatives who live on dairies. Nope, we just can't wake up sometimes or dress ourselves. Or today, we just didn't get to brushing our teeth before we left for school this morning. Fortunately for us, we've been spending a lot of time at the orthodontist for Kenna's spacers this year so we were prepared with toothbrush and toothpaste. Those weekly visits have built up our travel-size hygienic supplies.

1 comment:

  1. That makes me laugh, especially because I know easy it is for our family to roll that way. Good capture of a slice of our life, albeit a non-hygienic one.
