Kenny-Cat, she brings us great joy and has brought us to our knees in prayer too. When she is "on" she's on! She is funny and loves sharing what's she's reading or what she dreams about. She remembers great details of her dreams too.
She's really into swinging on the monkey bars and doing flips on them. Another great passion she has is for reading. She'll often have to be reminded to say "hi" as she gets into the car when I pick them up after school because she will quickly stick her nose in a book for the ride home and let the others share their day.
I love the first picture of her. It captures the look she often gives as her response to something goofy Blake or I say to her. Oftentimes we try to joke with her and that is the look she gives. It's kind of a funny-but-not-going-to-quite-give-you-that-satisfaction look.
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